Identification and contact details of the controller:
Your personal data are being processed by:
CHEMOSVIT, a.s., Štúrova 101, 059 21 Svit, SR, Id. No. 31 671 047, incorporated in the Companies Register of the District Court of Prešov, Sect. Sa, Entry No. 136/P
Personal data will be stored safely in our company, in accordance with the security policy of the operator and only for the time necessary to meet the purpose of processing. Access to your personal data will be restricted to persons authorized by the operator to process it upon the operator’s instructions, and in accordance with the operator’s security policy. We will back up your personal data so as to prevent security incidents, in particular, the disruption of data availability due to a security incident, in accordance with security requirements under Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection.
Head of Management Organization Dept.
Tel: +421-52-715-2794, e-mail:
Purpose of personal data processing, legal basis and recipients:
Purpose of personal data processing, legal basis and recipients:
Personal data are being processed for the following purposes:
- Management of the shareholder agenda related to the obligations of a joint-stock company and to the exercise of shareholder rights, complying with the legal system of the Slovak Republic (convening general meetings, paying dividends, selling shares, etc.).
We process personal data on a legal basis, i.e. special laws (the Securities Act, the Commercial Code), and on the legal basis represented by a contract with one of the parties being the person concerned.
The provision of personal data is a legal and contractual requirement. Without your personal data, we can neither enter into contract with you, nor fulfil our legislation-related obligations.
We supply your personal data to the intermediary companies CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o., and Bernik & Partners s.r.o., and to other entities authorized to organize General Meetings complying with the legislation.
- Fulfilment of the obligations related to mail registration and distribution, securing e-mail communication (creating and managing e-mail boxes) and meeting duties related to the management of registry records resulting from the operator´s economic activity kept by the registry centre (including discarding and disposing of documents and storing of archival documents under the valid legislation).
The legal basis for personal data processing is the special law (Act on postal services, e-Government Act, the Archives and Registry Act). The provision of personal data is a legal requirement. Without the provision of personal data we cannot fulfil our obligations imposed by the legislation in the area of postal services and registry records administration.
Your personal data can be accessed by the intermediary companies: providers of postal and shipping services, CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o., OZO-RECYCLING, s.r.o., disposing of the discarded registry records after their retention time has expired; the intermediary company s.r.o. performing the servicing and update of e-mail communications; researchers performing archive searches (limited to those documents with your personal data that have permanent archival value), and other law-authorized entities.
- Securing the safety and health protection of external persons entering the premises of the operator (OSH training and education, prevention of occupational health and safety, registration of injuries in operator´s premises).
We process personal data in accordance with the special law (Act on Occupational Safety and Health /OSH/). The provision of personal data is a legal requirement, i.e. the obligation of the person concerned, for us to fulfil our legislation duties.
Personal data can be provided to your employer, to the intermediary company CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o. and entities authorized by the legislation.
- Keeping records related to reporting and investigating the alleged anti-social wrongdoing filed with the operator that obligatorily enforces the Act on Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity.
The legal background for personal data processing is a special law (the Act on Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity). Supplying personal data is a legal requirement, which means that the person concerned is obliged to provide his/her personal data necessary for the employer to fulfil its legislative requirements and obligations. The person concerned may also choose the legal option to report anonymously.
Personal data shall be provided to the intermediary Berník & partners and other law-authorized entities.
Note: This system only works if at least 50 job positions in the company are occupied.
- Keeping records of persons and transportation means entering and leaving the protected site aimed at protecting the property and persons found in the operator´s premises.
We process personal data on a legal basis, which is the legitimate interest to secure the protection of property and persons found within our premises resulting from a special Act on the Provision of Private Security Services. Personal data provision is a requirement resulting from the legitimate interest of the operator.
Personal data are being processed by SBS CHEMOSVIT, s.r.o., and can be supplied or made available to entities authorized by the legislation.
- Operator’s internal network – a portal providing operating and servicing activities of the operator – access to individual applications, employees contact list, application for trainings, medical examinations, etc.
We disclose personal data of employees within the scope of § 78, Art. 3 of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection, in compliance with the legislation, which is the legitimate interest of the operator under this Act. In this case, processing of personal data is legal even without your consent.
Your personal data posted on the Infoweb can be accessed by the employees of the operator, employees of the CHEMOSVIT and FINCHEM Groups, employees of other companies with granted access rights, and intermediary company CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o..
- Production, registration and distribution of internal documents (organization, technological, management documentation).
We also need to process personal data when producing some documents to satisfy our legitimate interests, e.g. in organizing and managing operational activities. In this case, the request to provide personal data follows from the legitimate interest of the operator which can be objected to with the operator.
Personal data can be accessed by the intermediary company CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o.. In cases established by the legislation, these can be made available to law-authorized entities.
- Participation in the fight against the spread of infectious diseases to protect the health of people within the premises of industrial area.
The legal basis for personal data processing is the consent of the person concerned to measure his/her body temperature upon the request of an SBS member. The person concerned provides his/her personal data voluntarily, with no consequences resulting from refusing to provide it.
Personal data is provided to SBS CHEMOSVIT, s.r.o. /SBS – Private Security Service of Chemosvit /.
- Monitoring of the premises using a camera system to protect property and health, and to detect criminality.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data using a camera system is the legitimate interest of the operator. In this way, we safeguard the protection of the company property, property of employees and other persons found in the monitored areas. The camera system provides assistance in detecting criminality and protecting the health of persons found in the monitored places.
You provide your personal data by voluntarily entering the monitored areas and moving within them, what you are informed of by visibly labelled spaces marking the monitored area.
The personal data from the camera system can be accessed by the intermediary company SBS CHEMOSVIT, s.r.o., intermediary of the intermediary company KELCOM INTERNATIONAL, s.r.o., Konica Minolta Slovakia, s.r.o. and in case of criminal and infringement procedures also entities authorized by law.
- Monitoring of employees on serious grounds following the special nature of the employer’s business – the employer’s control mechanism according to the internal documentation.
We process personal data based on the legitimate interest of the operator resulting from the Labour Code. We record personal data of people using information and communication networks by technical means during their working hours, when these persons make use of the operator´s network system to perform their jobs. This request for personal data processing results from the legitimate interest of the operator. The person concerned is informed of his/her being monitored by an internal regulation.
The intermediary companies CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o. and ALCASYS Slovakia, a.s, have access to personal data.
- Employer’s obligations related to an employment contract or a similar relationship (agreements on work performed outside the employment contract), including pre-contractual relationships resulting from applicable employment, social, health and OHS legislation.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data for this purpose are specific laws (Labour Code, Social Insurance Act, Health Insurance Act, Income Tax Act, Employment Services Act, Old Pension Retirement Savings Act, Supplementary Pension Savings Act, Act on Wage Compensation during Temporary Incapacity to Work, Social Fund Act, Act on the Protection, Promotion and Development of Public Health, Act on Judicial Execution and Executing Activities, the OHS Act).
The provision of personal data is a contractual requirement to conclude a contract of employment or a contract for work performed outside the employment relationship, and, concurrently, a statutory requirement to fulfil the obligations of the operator resulting from valid employment, social, health and OSH legislation. Without personal data, no employment relationship can be concluded.
For the purposes of employment-legal relationship, we also process your photograph (not a biometric form) – in the personal file, on the identification card and in the attendance and personnel software to satisfy our legitimate interest, i.e. the need to identify the person concerned as an employee of the operator.
We are allowed to copy or scan the necessary official documents to demonstrate the employee’s fitness to work, to prove the facts necessary for the payment of allowances, to prove changes in his/her personal data, to prove the facts to public administration authorities when performing inspections, etc., which is our legitimate interest.
Your personal data can be accessed by the intermediary company CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o., SOFTIP, a.s., labour health service providers, WEGA LH, s.r.o. for the purposes of attendance and catering system administration, by the intermediary companies providing catering services – Ticket Service, s.r.o. and REKREATOUR, s.r.o., and by the intermediary company FINCHEM INSURANCE, s.r.o. processing the supplementary pension savings agenda. We also provide and make available personal data to authorized entities in accordance with valid legislation.
- Informing employees, former employees, business partners, visitors and the broad public of activities, social and business events of the company through the company newsletter.
Personal data related to particular person´s work for the operator, or those documenting business and social activities of the company, have been processed on the basis of legitimate interest, which includes our need to make a specific target group of people informed, to develop good public relations, and to raise awareness of the company.
We are allowed to disclose identification and contact details of employees, in accordance with § 78, Art. 3 of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection without their consent.
Personal data related to privacy of an employee are being processed on the basis of his/her consent. The consent can be revoked at any time (personally, by mail, by phone).
Provision of personal data is voluntary – giving an interview to the editor of the corporate newspaper and letting oneself photographed, is an act of one´s free will. Likewise, the person concerned can disagree with their data processing by moving away from the editor and the photographer, or may object to this with the operator.
Personal data can be accessed by: the intermediary company, Popradská tlačiareň, s.r.o., in charge of printing the corporate newspaper, corporate newspaper subscribers (employees of the CHEMOSVIT and FINCHEM Groups, former employees), business partners, visitors, and the broad public.
- Processing of legal agenda in the field of commercial and labour law and legal representation of the operator in civil, bankruptcy, restructuring, execution and criminal proceedings.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data are specific laws (e.g. Code of Civil Contentious Procedure, Act on Court Distrainers and Distraint, Criminal Procedure Code, Administrative Judicial Code) and the safeguarding of our legitimate interests including settling of employment disputes, recovery of claims, settling of other disputes of civil, commercial and labour law, production of contracts and other legal documents. Personal data provision is a legal requirement resulting from the legitimate interest of the operator.
Personal information is being provided to our intermediaries: the Law Firm BERNÍK & partneri, s.r.o . It can also be accessed by other parties of the proceedings, and law-authorized entities.
- Preparation of documents for Euro-projects and applications for EU funding in accordance with the requirements of published calls; fulfilment of contractual obligations of the recipient of a non-refundable financial contribution.
The legal basis for personal data processing is special legislation (e.g. the Act on the Contribution from the European Structural and Investment Funds). The provision of personal data is a legal requirement for the operator to meet its obligations arising from the applicable legislation.
Personal data may be provided to authorized entities in accordance with legislation.
- Fulfilment of employer’s obligations related to the employment of handicapped applicants / graduates based on national projects of the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family /ÚPSVaR/, following from the applicable legislation.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is a special Act (Employment Services Act). The provision of personal data is a legal requirement, i.e., the duty of the person concerned to provide personal data necessary for employer to meet its legislative requirements and obligations.
We only provide personal data to legitimate entities specified by law.
- Registration of applications from jobseekers listed in the applicants’ database to fill eventual vacancies in the future.
We process personal data with the consent of the person concerned. You give us your consent by making a written statement when applying for a job. You provide your personal information on a voluntary basis and can revoke your consent any time in writing by a letter or mail delivered to the company’s registered office.
Your personal data can be supplied to the managing employees of other companies of the CHEMOSVIT and FINCHEM Groups for tender purposes in these companies, thereby increasing your chance to get employed with us.
- Fulfilment of the obligations related to the processing of accounting documents under the valid legislation.
We process personal data under specific laws (Act on Accounting, VAT Act, Income Tax Act, Local Taxes and Local Municipal Fee Act, Administrative Fees Act, Commercial Code, Social Fund Act, Travel Fees Compensation Act).
The provision of personal data is a statutory requirement for the operator to fulfil its obligations under applicable legislation. The person concerned is obliged to provide his/her personal data under this legislation.
We make the personal data available to intermediary CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o., to the audit company AUDIT-CONSULTING, s.r.o. for the purpose of auditing the books, and to the authorized entities in accordance with the legislation.
- Compliance with the obligations related to handling requests of the persons concerned in exercising their rights under the applicable law on personal data protection.
We process personal data on the basis of specific regulations (European Parliament and EU Council Regulation – GDPR, Personal Data Protection Act).
In exercising his/her rights, the person concerned provides his/her personal data to the operator under the valid legislation. Without your identification and contact details, we will not be able to accommodate your request.
Personal data can be provided to authorized entities under legislation.
- Informing the public about the company, promoting the company, informing about the activities and events of the company through the website / social networks.
We disclose the identification and contact data of employees on the basis of a legitimate interest arising from § 78, Art. 3 of Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data. Personal data in the photo gallery are subject to the consent of the person concerned.
The processing of personal data in the scope of the legislation is lawful without the consent of the person concerned; the provision of personal data beyond the legal framework is voluntary.
The published personal data is available for intermediary CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o. and for the broad public accessing the website of the operator.
- Conclusion, registration and fulfilment of contracts / agreements (including pre- contractual relations)
The legal basis of data processing includes the execution of contractual duties, with one of the parties being the contracting party. The provision of personal data is a contractual requirement. Without your personal data, we will not be able to conclude a contract with you.
Personal data can be accessed by the intermediary companies CHEMOSVIT SLUŽBY, s.r.o. and FINCHEM INSURANCE, s.r.o.. In legal cases, statutory entities may access it.
Will your personal data be available outside the European Union?
There is no transmission of personal data from our company to a third country or an international organization.
Will your data be used for automated individual decisions?
Personal data in our company will not be used for automated individual decisions, nor profiling.
How long will your personal data be retained?
The deadlines for the retention of personal data are in most cases determined by special laws, the law on archives and registers, conforming to the company’s registry plan approved by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – State Archives.
We keep the personal data of shareholders for the duration of the contractual relationship between the operator and the natural person – shareholder, and for the next 10 years.
Personal data included in registry records have specified storage periods according to the type of registry record in the respective legislation and the registry plan of the operator.
We archive occupational accidents for 50 years, other personal data from the field of occupational health and safety protection for 5 years.
Submitted complaints of anti-social activity are archived for three years from the receipt of the complaint, or until being solved.
Records of people and vehicles entering the operator’s premises have a storage period of 3 years.
We keep the personal data published on the Infoweb during the time the person concerned has been employed with the operator.
Internal documentation is being stored for 5 years from its expiry.
Data on the measured body temperature before entering the operator’s premises are not being stored.
We keep personal data from camera records for min. 72 hours from being taken, and in case of criminal and infringement proceedings, for the time of these proceedings.
We retain personal data obtained from the monitored Internet communication for 6 months, and e-mail communication for 5 years from being collected.
We keep company newspapers for 5 years from their publication, of which one copy of a permanent documentary value being kept in the archive.
We keep the legal agenda for 5 or 10 years depending on the type of document, with some documents having permanent documentary value, in accordance with the law and internal guidelines.
We keep employee personal files for 90 years from the date of their birth, occupational injury documentation for 50 years from the injury occurrence, agreements for 10 years, employee attendance data for 3 years, and other personnel and payroll documents for 5 years.
We keep personal data related to the implementation of projects co-financed by the EU and SR funds, and those related to the implementation of employment projects co-financed by the ÚPSVaR /Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family/ for 5 years from the end of the project, or according to the terms of the specific contract.
Personal data of job seekers are being kept for one year from granting the consent or until the person concerned revokes his/her consent.
We keep accounting documents including personal data for 10 years from the end of the accounting period for which they were issued.
Personal data related to processing applications of the persons concerned in exercising their rights under the applicable law on personal data protection are being kept for 5 years from registering the application.
The personal data of the representatives of the statutory and supervisory bodies published on the website are being retained for the duration of their term of office, photographs in the photo gallery for max. 10 years from obtaining their consent.
We keep personal data included in contracts and agreements for 5 or 10 years, depending on the type of contract / agreement.
After the legal or specific retention periods have elapsed, we will ensure the destruction of your personal data. If you revoke your consent, your data will be discarded immediately, without undue delay.
Your rights
What are your rights?
Right of access – You have the right to get a copy of your personal data we keep, as well as the information on how we´ve been using your personal data – for what purpose, for whom, or for how long. In most cases, your personal information will be provided to you in written form, unless you request it otherwise. If you ask us to provide this information by electronic means, it will be provided electronically, if technically possible. Right to correction – We take reasonable steps to ensure that the information we have is accurate, complete, and up to date. If you think that the data we have is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please do not hesitate to request the correction, update or completion of this information.
Right to deletion (to forget) – you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information, for example, if the personal data we have received from you are no longer needed to fulfil the original purpose of its processing. However, your right must be considered from all relevant points of view. We can, for example, have some legal or regulatory obligations, which will not allow us to accommodate your request. Right to restrict the data processing – Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request that we stop using your personal data. For example, if you believe that personal data we have of you may be inaccurate, or if you believe that we no longer need it. Right to data portability – Under certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to transfer your provided personal data to a third party of your choice. However, the right to portability concerns only personal data that we have obtained from you on the basis of consent, or under a contract of which you are one of the parties. Right to object – You have a right to object to data processing under our lawful legitimate interests. If we do not have a substantial, valid legitimate reason for your data processing and you file an objection, we will not process your personal data any more. Right to withdraw consent – If we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time. You may withdraw your consent electronically, in writing, by notice of consent withdrawal, or in person at the registered office of the company. Revocation of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of personal data processing which we were processing based on it. Right to initiate proceedings on personal data protection – If you believe that your personal data is being processed unfairly or illegally, you may file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is: Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; Company ID: 36 064 220; tel. number: +421 / 2/3231 3214; mail:, In the case of electronical motion submitting, it is necessary to fulfil the requirements under § 19 Art. 1 of Act no. 71/1967 Coll. on Administrative Procedure. Right to Data Source Information – If we didn´t obtain personal data directly from you, you have the right to request information about the source from which we had obtained it.
Right to information of the existence of an automated individual decision-making, including profiling – you have the right to ask us whether we use your personal data for automated individual decisions including profiling, and, if so, you have the right to ask not to be subject to a decision based solely on the automated processing of personal data including profiling, having legal consequences that may affect you, or influence you in a similar significant way. Right to information about reasonable assurances of data transfer – If we transfer your personal data to a third country or an international organization, you have the right to request us to give you information of reasonable guarantees we provide on its transfer. You can apply for exercising these rights by a written request, or by electronic means with the responsible personnel of the operator. In case of oral request, information will be provided to you based on your identity proof.
Štúrova 101
059 21 Svit
Slovak Republic
tel: +421 52 715 1111-2
fax: +421 52 715 2740
The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Prešov, Section: Sa, File No. 136/P
Company registration number:
31 671 047
Tax identification number: 2020516861
VAT identification number: SK7020000273
GPS coordinates:
N49.056930°, E20.196140° (cars)
N49.058426°, E20.184921° (trucks)