Energochem Has Always Had a Crucial Role at Chemovit

Apr 30, 2021 | News

The beginning of power production dates back to the company’s establishment in 1934, when the first local power source was built. It consisted of a steam locomobile and a diesel aggregate. The power plant was developing along with the company. Until it reached the current level. 

Nowadays, Energochem ensures in the entire Chemosvit premises:


  1. Electricity supply

Two independent sources are used for this purpose, namely the public electricity system and six own generators. Motor generators are powered by natural gas and used for the combined production of heat and power.


Energochem provides assistance services to control the electric power system of the Slovac Republic through secondary output regulation, as well as supplies of electricity to cover losses of the regional distribution system.


  1. Distribution of drinking and process water 

Drinking water comes from two independent sources own well and public water system. The well water is first treated in a water treatment plant and then distributed throughout the premises. In terms of chemical composition, this water is comparable to several well-known brands of spring water.


Process water comes from the Poprad river. It is taken to the settling tanks, then pumped into the sand filters, and, finally, the filtered water reaches the individual customers through a pipeline. They use it in technological processes.

  1. Distribution of natural gas

Transmission and distribution of natural gas have two purposes – own consumption and use of subsidiaries of the Chemosvit Group. Energochem uses gas to produce electricity and heat or refuel its own motor vehicles.


  1. Heat generation and distribution

Heat is generated in cogeneration units and boilers. The fuel is natural gas, and the heat is transferred by hot water. It is supplied to 112 points of consumption not only across the company’s premises but also the town of Svit throughout the year.


Heat is used for heating in winter and the production of cold in summer. Part of the heat is used by the subsidiary Chemosvit Folie for technological purposes.


  1. Cold generation and distribution

Cold generation means the preparation of ice water with a temperature of 6°C that is used for technological purposes and air conditioning of manufacturing premises. Hot water is used to produce cold that is generated during the production of electricity in gas engines. It is cooled in three absorption coolers and supplied to customers through a central distribution system. 


Such a model of combined electricity, heat, and cold generation is called trigeneration. In this way, we maximize the efficiency in converting one form of energy (natural gas) into other forms (electricity, heat, cold). 


The main mission of Energochem has been, is and always will be to generate and supply customers with all types of energy effectively, ecologically, and at reasonable prices.




Štúrova 101
059 21 Svit
Slovak Republic

tel: +421 52 715 1111-2
fax: +421 52 715 2740

e-mail: info@chemosvit.sk

The company is registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Prešov, Section: Sa, File No. 136/P

Company registration number:
31 671 047
Tax identification number: 2020516861
VAT identification number: SK7020000273

GPS coordinates:
N49.056930°, E20.196140° (cars)
N49.058426°, E20.184921° (trucks)