The declaration is a challenge to the governments of the member states and the future European Commission. It contains 10 clear points that are necessary to achieve the competitiveness of European industry, and is a preparation for a European Industrial Agreement that would complement the EU Green Deal.
The declaration states that Europe should not only be a continent of industrial innovation, but should also remain a continent of industrial production. Europe needs a strong industry so that companies stay in the EU and invest here, providing jobs and at the same time the climate solutions that Europe needs. Europe urgently needs a business plan.
Supported by a wide range of sectors, the “Antwerp Declaration” emphasizes the fundamental importance of clarity, predictability and trust in European industrial policy.
“Essential industries in Europe are struggling with historic challenges: demand is falling, investment on the continent is stagnant, production has fallen significantly and locations are at risk. We want to drive the transformation of our companies. To this end, we urgently need decisive action to create the conditions for a stronger business case in Europe. The “Antwerp Declaration” outlines the way forward. By placing the European Industrial Agreement at the forefront of Europe’s strategic agenda, the EU would pave the way for a resilient, competitive and sustainable Europe. This is the only way to show the rest of the world that the Green Deal works for everyone,” said Martin Brudermüller, President of Cefic (European Chemical Industry Council).